
"Fer those that celebrate. Happy holidays"


          Alastors entire thought process was what would be most entertaining. Which meant dragging one cat demon to the other. “Husker! I’d like you to meet husker!” He announced cheerfully, grinning at the two of them. 


            Alastor laughed “I’m sure it would be hilarious to watch you deal with multiple versions of me”


            "You already exist- you're not dragging in a new one."
            Husk decided. Not liking the idea of more than one deer demon to deal with


            “Perhaps you would like one better than me” he suggested to him with a smile “or are you worried about that?”


Vox seemed surprised to see the other demon out of the hotel. “I thought Alastor had made you an indoor cat, what are you doing out here all alone?” He asked with a grin 


            “Because you’re not dead even though you were an overlord. He killed any other overlord that crossed him”


            Husk gave a scoff rolling his eyes 
            "Oh yeah? What makes you think he's soft?"


            “Why do you stay with that annoying prick? He could drag you back but I doubt he would, he’s pretty soft.”


Alastor, instead of seeking out husk like he normally would do for attention, was sitting in the couch, petting keekee. It wasn’t an attempt to make husk jealous in any way…probably. 


            He tilted his head, thinking about it. “It would also put the demons I hold the contracts of on edge” he told him “or are you hoping to free yourself?”


            "I highly doubt they'd care? They'd probably just think you were out killing in silence. That normally put everybody on edge"


            “I have thought about it, but a long absence would be noticeable and if anyone noticed it would be a weakness”


Alastor appeared behind husk, a huge grin on his face. He leaned over to give husk a few scratches behind the ear before suddenly wrapping the cat in a tentacle and practically throwing him across the room. He was in a playful mood if that’s what it could be called. 


            Alastor tilted his head, watching him and looked a little startled at the crunching popping noise. “Do you think it’s fixable or should I just remove it?” He asked, always using removal as an option because he thought it was fun. 


            Husk turned his head to look at the other with a grumble again
            "Hm.... I'm not sure- lemme check."
            He then threaded his left wing under the others arm for room before stretching it out.
            "That one's fine... just a little strained"
            He said and folded it back in then stretched his right one out the same way like he did with the left. However he did it a little too fast because a quiet crunching sound was heard and he immediately strained in pain feeling that his wing had dislocated. After feeling this, his wing went limp to try not to use it much
            "Nope- that one hurts- ow-"


            “Are either of your wings injured?” Alastor asked after a short while 


          “Husker! There you are!” Alastor grinned, not all to surprised considering he had found the cat at the bar. “I’ve brought a friend for you to meet, I’m sure you’ll get along quite well!”(&


@D3C1PH3R @_Antlers_ 
            "How long ago did'ja two meet?- I haven't met ya till now"


@_Antlers_ @Husk-The-Cat 
            Bill snickered at them, taking this drink slower. "Look at you scrunkly little guys." He said, laying his head down on the counter. "I wouldn't be so clingy if you'd actually pay attention to me. You befriended me all those years ago and now you're stuck with the consequences." 


@D3C1PH3R @Husk-The-Cat 
            Alastor made some sort of staticky grumbling noise. “He’s overly clingy and not in the adorable way that niffty is. It makes me want to tear his spine from his body and beat him with if”


Alastor came into husks room in the middle of the night, saying nothing as he climbed into the other demons bed and nudged him over. “Husker.” He muttered to him. “Help me a second.” He said to try and wake him up enough to get his help. 


            He purred more, nuzzling into his touch happily 


            Husk gave a gentle chuckle scratching at that spot more. He found it rather interesting that the deer was so touch starved but denied the thought of liking any sort of physical contact.


            He smiles, leaning into the others touch. For someone that hated any real contact, he was pretty well touch starved. 


Alastor had decided that dragging husk along a meeting would be a great idea. By drag he actually meant it. He had a grip on the cats arm and was pulling him along down the sidewalk, humming to himself. “I’m sure this will be entertaining for you, husker!”


            “Hm, I suppose it is!”


            "Yeah well. Ain't that everybody's lives?."
            He questioned raising a brow 


            “What a depressing life you led, husker.”


"Kitty!" Bill grinned and hugged the cat, clearly not learning his lesson from the last time. He started scratching around his ears. 


this message may be offensive
            "It's not like I have a choice with that asshole. He does what he wants and I can't do shit to stop him. He won't let me. Now get off before I throw you again."


            "Quiet." He huffed, nuzzling into him. "Just lemme hug you. You let Alastor get all cozy with you alllll the time. You're gonna start making people think there's more going on." 


            Husk lowly growled longly as he turned his attention to Bill. An angry expression plastered on the cats face
            "Get. Off. NOW."