Hello, I just came on here to say thank you for all of the support and love you guys have given my book. Thank you for understanding why I haven’t updated but I feel really bad for not updating in a while.
I also just lost the love of my life (he switched schools) so you guys could probably guess I didn’t take it well, and I’m not gonna lie I’ve been crying at night and sometimes when I’m at school, so much things remind me of him, and it’s hard not to cry. His beautiful smile was everything to me and now that he’s at a new school were there could be girls he could like makes me really anxious. I’m scared to even contact him because I feel like he probably forgot about me and I felt like I was bothering him a lot. And I can’t even explain how much I loved him. And for me, my first love is when someone says “I love you” to someone they have romantic feelings for, like I had for my crush. He was the first boy I ever thought of saying “I love you” to but not directly just thought about it. And when we came back to school last year, I had finally realized he was the first boy I actually liked, he was so much different from my past crushes. I guess my past crushes were just guys I thought were cute. Something that he had made me fall for him so hard, and now that he’s gone I don’t think I could ever love someone like i loved him. He made me feel like I was actually alive, and he was the only reason why I wanted to go to school. He was my sunshine that could make me smile just by seeing him at school. I just realized I’m writing this while crying, omg I sound so stupid…
But anyways I have a quick question, does anyone else make secret codes for your crushes? I made a lot for my crush and I’ve been using them for over two years now. But there’s one I mostly use.