
I have the worst headache ever 


So Angel has been harassing me nonstop and honestly I don’t know what to do she found my Facebook page and messaged me threatening me about some court date (which I know is a lie) and honestly I’m tired of suffering I’m tired of her bullying me   Guys I need help please I want nothing to do with her I need to find a way to get her off my ass


@ChrxstmxsTxwn This is how stupid she is she literally took my discord pfp and put it as her pfp on the fake facebook account then has the audacity to message me privately which I honestly feel violated because of her doing that honestly my mental health isn’t the greatest because of her I wake up every morning with anxiety because  of her I want nothing to do with her she got my whole family involved in my last drama I had with her she makes these fake ass discords to (My discord is @dangerous_souls  if you want to add me and I can show you everything that’s she’s done)


If there was an actual court date a cop would have to serve you. She can’t just tell you one exists that isn’t how that works. And it takes years on top of that she doesn’t have a case on you. Defamation has to follow a certain protocol and this doesn’t. Cyber Bullying and Harassment would call for police investigation and no police has contacted you. She is just a bully and it shows 
            - A law student studying to be lawyer 


Does anyone actually take character request?


@heartless-kings I’ll be posting her soon I’m just dealing with a bunch of things right now


What kind of character are you looking for 