#protectyourcomunity is something that you guys might be seeing going around Wattpad. If you see it please spread the word. The trend was started because a law is being made for banishing FanFic, Fan Art, Shipping, etc. and that should never happen since this is how many people express themselves and show their love to a character and fandom. So fight back- FIGHTING!!

@HybridARK2003 They can't ban something, if we want to express for who we are. If they have a problem with us, then they should let us be, and let us ship and FanFic whoever we want. I will fight back, because this is a website for people to express their feelings, emotions, and who they are, not what we should become in the future. We all want to write out our stories, not be cooped up inside, and just be bored for the rest of our lives. So, let us be us community! #protectyourcommunity