Hey readers I’m sorry for not posting in ages I’ll try to post within the next week if not 2 weeks I’ve just had some writers block and I’ve been tired. I kinda just have to get into the groove.
Hey readers I’m sorry for not posting in ages I’ll try to post within the next week if not 2 weeks I’ve just had some writers block and I’ve been tired. I kinda just have to get into the groove.
I saw you added my story to a reading list, I can’t really think of what to do for my next chapter and I thought that asking someone who added it to a list could help. Do you have any request to add to the book?
So I’m gonna be writing another chapter for my pertemis story and then working some more on the perianca one. Do t worry I’m. It abandoning any of them. After that I’m thinking of writing either a mortal au of a non percabeth ship or a perzoe story like “the Ancient Greek demigod” I forget who wrote it. If you have not read that the you should try to find it.