
I am so upset legends ZA seems to be taking place in the current age cause it's going to mess up my book so bad XD. Why did I have to pick Kalos???


Quick update for ATwB, I'm editing chapter 10 still--its finished but I'm not satisfied and I can't figure out what else I need to work on. As some of you may know, however, my upload process is to have at least three unpublished chapters to allow for revision if I need to change something or if I just miss an error. I'm currently working on chapter 13 and...oh man, I'm so excited. It got a bit out of hand and it's currently at 9k words and I'm not even done. If I can't edit it down to size I'll have to split it into two chapters...
          Also if you think I type a lot, consider that most of my work is in the form of notes and braindump drafts lol. This is the real reason I can type at 90 words per minute.


You know that feeling when inspiration strikes but you can't write about it because it's so far into the future and you haven't written enough chapters yet? Yeah.


@HylianGuard Don't worry I know what you mean


If you were jogging on the rings of Saturn and your unicycle runs out of nitrogen what color should your bow tie be?
          Also you should have the jade and pantala dragons disguise themselves as household objects and have tide try to find them without using magic


Also your bow tie would be white cause you'd be frozen to death


When you discover a new album and suddenly discover your new theme song, your OC's theme song, your book's theme song, and the background track for a fight scene between your OC and the main villain...
          This is me.


@HylianGuard  This happens to me all the time


I working on an ATwB Chapter but it's, like, 1100 words ◉_◉
          I managed to split in half and I'm editing the first part to be a bit longer. But now I'm curious what do you guys think about longer chapters? I don't want to go past 9000 words too often.


@HylianGuard I would settle for 5 and 1/2 to 7 and 1/2  thousand words if you want to do longer chapters but also so it's not too big that it takes up a lot of time


@Dimensionaleye I honestly can't do chapters THAT short lol. Plus in my experience I'm better at editing a single long chapter as opposed to a few short ones. I'm the kind of person who struggles with the max word limit of an essay, not the mininum XD. 5 thousand is I think something I could aim for though.


@HylianGuard I would honestly have like 2 to 4 thousand word chapters so you can put more out in a month and it doesn't take too much of a toll on you


hii!! i feel like im very similar to you!
          i like hunger games, wof, warriors, legend of zelda (both totk and botw) and pokemon!! ( well, pokemon i used to)
          so, i guess, hi!


@HylianGuard yeah!! lol i forget about riju all the time cause i rarely use her ability!!


@Silvermoon_WC oh the Sages? I like Riju but Tulin is the most useful!


@HylianGuard yayyy!! how about the new champions of totk? i like tulin!!


I feel like I need to re read my own ToD XD. Like, WHEN did I make Ostrich and Squid a thing again??????


@NeoniFan oh.... thanks! I didn't think anyone would actually know XD


@HylianGuard Kinkajou's Ship Show Part 5: Another Succesful Ship =D