
How tf do I have 3 followers? Why do people wannanfollow a dead page? I might post a story here eventually, I guess....


Sooooo... Someone just sent me a link to something they called "the Milk Fic." ...I nope'd out at the first sentence of the second paragraph. I mean, I knew it would probably be traumatizing the second I read the description and tags, but... no, just no. Never read it, ever, no matter how much one dares you. I've seen enough urban dictionary to know where it's going. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to go drink some bleach.


Y'know what? Worrying about keeping this thing updated on what I'm doing is just a distraction. I don't have a fanbase, so I don't have any good reason to bother worrying about this. I'll update and upload stories when I update and upload stories - I don't need to explain myself to nonexistent followers.


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Ugh... Should I try to rework the first chapter of my novel into two longer, actually decent chapters now or should I just press on ahead and go back to it later? Hmmmmm.... Y'know what? Fuck it. I'm putting the whole project on semi-hiatus for now, and am gonna build up my skills with my other projects such as Danganronpa: Sayaka Maizono's Final Performance and The Old Chateau. Both of those are placeholder titles, by the way.


I failed my new years resolution; putting down the pokeball and picking up the pencil. However, I got over my Pokemon Training addiction a week later. Over the past few weeks I have made great progress on a variety of fronts and, while I have not got anything yet ready to post here, I am nonetheless very excited to share what I've been working on. Get hyped, my imaginary fanbase!




P.S. The poems are almost all certainly a no-go. I suppose I could post Memory's a Bootleg Midwife, but it's kinda just a pointless series of haikus that I wrote for a memory dice assignment that gets unnecessarily dark.


Hello, my non-existent fanbase! I would've been keeping you waiting a while if you ecisted, huh? ^^; Well worry not, for I have not forgotten my aspirations as a writer; I am still actively working on my stories, and they are coming along nicely. 
          ...In paper drafts. >_< Yeah... the reason I haven't posted anything in well over a month is because I've only been working on rough copies and schoolwork. And also training my Pokemon. But I live! And so does my writing! Here's what my imaginary fans can expect during the holiday break:
          -Chapter 2 of book 1 of the Novelization Project. (I have decided that I absolutely must rework Chapter 1: add more scenes, make a few other changes... but I don't plan to do that right away.)
          -First chapter of a short Pokemon story focused on Gardenia and the Old Chateau.
          -Perhaps I could upload a few poems I made for various school assignments? I don't know... some of them might be difficult to put on Wattpad; most of them have some kind of visual or formatting element that I cannot recreate here. :S


I've officially published the first chapter of my novel. It's far from perfect, but I am still just a novice writer. ^^;
          Despite its flaws, I am really quite proud of myself for reaching this milestone. I really hope people will like it. If you're reading this, please do not hesitate to give me your thoughts on the story thus far; I'd love to hear your feedback.
          I do hope fans of SWTOR (the original MMO upon a part of which this novel is based) will notice the references I made to other parts of the game. I'm quite proud of them.


For the record, I did not write the chapter in a single evening. I am not Mirione Skyleaf. The Force technique she used is just a cheap excuse to justify her writing these entries far more quickly than I could ever hope to. >_<


Okay, I think I've found a good place to end Chapter 1, but I need to write Miri's pre-entry comments and post-entry comments before I publish it. Word count for the novel is currently 4658.
          On another note, I'm working on a digital draft of my scary story Creative Writing assignment from last month. Assuming I don't completely abandon it for the rest of the month (4k words a week away from NaNoWriMo's end is pathetic and I know I can do better than this,) I might have it done by the end of next week. ...Probably not, though; NaNoWriMo comes first.


No offense to anyone who has done as well as or worse than me on their NaNoWriMo; I just know that I personally can do better than I have been. What's important is that we try our best, and the reason I have a mere 4k words is because I have not consistently done so.