
I totally didn't have everything set up to go and forgot to hit publish before I went to work! I don't know what you're talking about!


Two videos will be released soon with updates. Afterwards, I will begin posting again. Sorry for taking so long


@HyperRedFox oh my god I'm so excited you responded to me!! Please more vantoonz!! 


@Kiss-me-in-Paris Aww, thank you. Honestly, apart of me has been thinking of writing more Ohmlirious, but idk if I'll go through with it. I do have some old fics I wrote for them that I hadn't posted yet. As for Cartoonz x Vanoss, I definitely have been working on some stories for that ship lol


Hoping to see you write a Cartoonz x Vanoss


Not some people adding my stories to reading lists asking their followers to report it If you haven't already, make sure to follow me on Ao3. I will be returning this year and have been working on new things as well as some of my stories that I didn't finish before taking this long break. But just in case, anything happens to my profile or any of my stories, you can find me there.


@HyperRedFox  Awe, that sucks, but hey, atleast I have your other amazing stories to read for now


@GalacticyTheWolf Admittedly yes, Blood was deleted. I had been struggling to continue the story, and between struggling to get in the correct mindset and everything that happened with Ohm and Delirious, I decided to remove the story. I'm sorry if you enjoyed it, however, as of now I have no plans to return to that story. Maybe in the future, I will repost it and be able to continue writing it, but for now, I can't.


Hey Foxes!
          Just a reminder, there will be no updates for any of my stories this week. I'm taking a little break for my birthday, which is later this week.  However, I will be back to updating on Monday with another one-shot in one of my many one-shot books.
          I hope you all have a wonderful week, and I'll see all of you Lovely Foxes later! Bye!


Hope you have a good time on your birthday 


I'm really tired, but I just want to say, thank you to everyone that have been commenting/messaging me all week, welcoming me back! I know I have a lot of work to do to make it up to all of you for bailing like I did, but I'm just happy to see you all enjoying my stories again. That honestly means the work to me. ❣


Hey Foxes.
          Serious post. I just wanted to let all of you know that, I'm coming back! I'm planning on going back to posting stories, starting next week. It will be back to the schedule I had before. Mon - One-shots, Wed -  I'm Right Here, and Fri - Blood. I'm sorry for being gone for so long, and I don't plan to let it happen again. 
          Also, reason I'm writing this out and not making another update video is because my laptop is being weird, and I need to upgrade to a better computer. Will be posting videos soon once I have everything taken care of on my end. 
          I hope you all have a great day, don't forget to sub on YouTube if you haven't, and I'll see all you lovely Foxes later! Bye!


Welcome Back!