
hiii, so im getting into book binding and i LOVED rise of the black crown. im wondering, once i have the resources, could i turn your book into a physical adaptation? i have no plans to sell it for profit, i pove this book and will kill for a physical book of it


@_redskittle You can absolutely do that! That sounds so cool! I'd love to see the finished product ☺️


Ma'm are you alright? There hasn't been an update in almost a year


Good to know, i was starting to get a little concerned


@301567l Five months  But, yeah it's been a long time. I'm doing alright, just been dealing with CotL writer's block. I know what I want to happen, getting there is difficult. I still do plan on updating it


It's funny that I started to read the story again and it just stop, but well, I hope you can go through the mental block and update this beautiful story, there's no hurry 


@Giosoar_ Good to hear That, I really like your stories although I'm not fan of aymxlamb but you are good at it, also, now I'm curious, what plans do you have after finishing TMitF? This was a really great proyect after all


            I'm not giving up on it at all,  no worries. I'm just struggling to get through the current chapter I've been working on. Major, *major* writer's block is my current issue with it.
            I definitely *can't* give up because I've already written the ending lol It'd be a waste not to get from point a to point b.


Also what would happen if someone else put on the black crown?


So he put his essence into his vessels, and that is the reason they can bear the red crown?


@301567l No, it's not special. At that time, Narinder was the bearer of the Red Crown. He, as the Bishop, was lending a portion of his power to these vessels to act through him. That's different than just finding a Crown and putting it on.


@HypnoDigitalis So is the red crown is special in that form? Cause a lot of people wore the red crown.(Like Ratau for example) .


Are the crown's sentient?(Like Narinder or the bishops).


@301567l In my headcanon, they are not necessarily sentient. They do mirror the emotions/expressions of their bearers though.
            For example, if Miralai is angry, then her Crown will appear angry as well. But, it does not have thoughts of its own. Keep in mind, my stories were both started long before the Sin update. If I post a new story, it will probably be different as far as the Crowns are concerned


Will Narinder ever regain the black crown?


@301567l That depends on a few things. Sometimes it takes a few hours to do the initial writing, and that's if I know exactly what I'm doing scene-by-scene. Usually though, I have a basic understanding of big things I need to happen in that chapter and I fill in all the other blanks around it on the spot. For instance, chapter 44 I knew I wanted Narinder to have a lapse while fighting heretics after a sacrifice, and I knew I wanted Merida's prayers to work. Everything else was written on the spot.
            So, it usually takes like... 10 hours of straight writing, or more depending on how easy it is for me to get into the flow of it. Then I always sleep at least once before going back to edit it. It's better to edit after a break for me, I catch mistakes more easily if it's not fresh in my head. Plus, I have a full-time job so I usually only write on my days off.  Which is why I update weekly (not counting hiatuses I take when I'm feeling burnt out from writing or I'm having a block.)


Sure but also how long does it take you to make one chapter of the man in the forest?


I have seen the Tumblr art and very impressed very good art.


@301567l For the most part it's closed or mostly closed. If he's surprised (postively or negatively) or really angry it would open as part of that expression. When he is a Bishop, it is open 100% of the time as long as he's awake.


@HypnoDigitalis Also a question  does Narinder open his third eye or keep it closed(like in the game)?


@301567l I'm glad you like it, thank you 