
@ HypnostheTired  yea props where props are deserved.
          Yea but seriously, I'm currently reading Silver Hound-Black Moon. 
          The problem I have currently is that I'm almost done. On top of that I really like the setting. 
          As mentioned before, I would pay for a sequel, or another book in the same setting. I totally understand if you may not have that much interest in that story anymore. Also I understand the amount of time it consumes. 
          On the other way, I would offer my help. If you need ideas, finacial support or anything else. Hope this doesn't come over as to weird, but in the end I just love a good story.


Wow. Honestly I just added this story to my library to "read it some day". Right now I'm half through the story and I'm invested. If I'm honest, i would even pay for it if it had more chapters. 


@ Alalactaest  well if you are okay with it, we can communicate over discord, TeamSpeak etc. I would give you my acc data for Two days in this chat. Just inform me about your preference. 


@Alalactaest High Praise! I'm on hiatus right now, working on a short film for university, but that's almost over, and I'll try returning to the weekly(ish) schedule I had when I was doing Silver Hound. I do intend on doing a sequel sometime though, as I've got lots of plans for one, I'd just have to find the time to do so. 
            Since I finished that, I've started on Blood Steel and Ego, a more action-focused story with similarly monstrous characters and themes. If you're interested or need something to tide you over, I'd recommend checking it out. It's short right now, and my hiatus has led me to neglect it a little, but I'll pick it back up as soon as possible.
            And thank you for the offer to support me and my writing, it means so much to hear. I've taken a few commissions from friends to write short stories and fics, so don't worry, not weird at all, and if you wanted to support my writing by doing the same I'd be happy to discuss it. 
            I've actually been thinking of setting up something like a Ko-Fi to allow people to support my writing if they enjoy it, but I'm not sure if I'm at that level yet, since I only really started recently. Do you recommend something like that?


@Alalactaest woah, thanks! I've been too busy to write much recently but it means a to hear that you've enjoyed my work!