Hello everyone! I wanted to announce the upcoming update schedule, that I am hoping to start sometime in October. This is subject to change. It seems like a good idea now, but if I start getting overwhelmed by the amount of writing I may change my plan
Mondays- What If?
I will be rewriting What If, because I think that the story idea was a good one but I didn't work very hard on it in the past. It also kind of ended abruptly, because I didn't enjoy writing it anymore.
Tuesdays- Edward's Little Sister
I am also rewriting what little I had already written, because I was not happy with the quality.
Wednesdays- Nova Black
Again I am rewriting because I wasn't happy with the quality.
Thursdays- Imprint
This is a brand new story, and you will have to wait to find out what It's about.
Fridays- Katrina Malfoy
Last but not least I will be rewriting this story as well.