
I was hungry and my brother stole my bread. I told him, "Don't steal my bread. I earned it...Through hunger!" Help me Quarantine is getting to me.


Hey guys. Soo-Young here! Today is my birthday and I wish all of you guys happiness today! I have made it my goal to make a lot of people happy! So on ig can you guys post a picture of you guys smiling and #ILoveMyselfAndNoOneCanStopMe and tag me in it (@spooky_baby_0724) along with other people that you think that today is not well for them. Ok bye for now. Water girl out!


So Sulli has recently joined the Angels and I'm a little sad that she did but life is life. We are born, we change the world, we get criticism, we get hate, we have problems, we pass. If you or someone you know has problems don't hesitate to have them contact me, a counselor, or a therapist. You aren't alone. Remember, Love yourself, Love myself. You Never Walk Alone.


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My Ex called me a slut. Now I wanna kill myself


            Your ex is stupid and chances are that he is 99.9% an a$$h*le 


@HeartlessFreak_0724 your ex is a hoe you are amazing


this message may be offensive
@HeartlessFreak_0724 I know i don't really know u but I happened to just saw this but pls don't kill yourself. I don't think ur a slut. And ur ex is an ass then (sorry if my comment offended u in any kind of way)