
Chapter 66 - Redefining is out!!
          	I think it came out better than I thought, hope you all like it!!!


i loved it!! i’m glad hyunjin finally told felix !


i haven’t been on here since i’m busy with dancing but the first thing i check once i finally press on the app is if you updated your stories that just proves how much i live your stories and writing :3


@hyunsloverr that's soo sweet, thank you soo much for the love!!


i just noticed the typo i meant love :,)


Hi, sorry to invade your wall, you don't know how embarrassed I am right now, I'm a fan of yours. I've already read 2 fanfics, pretend to be an alpha and marry me. I'll treat you well. I'm also reading your oneshots. Maybe you don't know who I am because I don't usually comment on fics, but getting straight to the point. I wanted you to read my fanfic in oneshot format and rate it because to me you're a professional writer. *I don't know if I'm being too cheesy, sorry.* To read it, just go to my account because I don't know how to put the link here. I'm just starting out now. I want to make more fics from now on. Forgive me for anything. You don't have to read it if you don't want to. Seriously, it's not mandatory. I really don't know what I'm doing. I just went there and started writing. *internal despair* I love you. Kisses.


Thank you very much for reading and the thing about top hyunjin I love him as much as too but felix as top gives an extra touch to the stories I'm going to try to do it one of these days, and I also want to start doing longer stories but that scares me a little because I have a very closed mind when it comes to writing, and one thing you noticed was that there was no angst I don't hate it but I try to avoid it because it hurts me in a way. Seriously you don't know how happy I am, kisses


@hyunlixeeeee Thanks for loving my books and considering me like a professional!! Thank you 
            I read your oneshots, they are nice..soft and loving. It's beautiful.
            It's just I had stopped reading Top Hyunjin books long time back because of how badly they were written but yours ain't like that, Hyunjin is really a very good human in it. It's always the translation books that make Hyunjin a good guy.
            I'm happy that the oneshots I read were not hurting or disappointing.
            If you can, make it kind of longer? Give in to little more detailings without rushing towards the end. That's it I gotta say.
            Love you too!!


Hey pretty
          I just saw a edit video of hyunlix. It's from fanmeeting VCR magic school theme..I just love the concept.. Can you read something like that one shot or something( Don't mind..I keep bothering you again and again)


@AizaInaya yes water and fire...and gurllll I am excited now.. But I will keep my patients 


@AizaInaya water and fire concept? Don't know about oneshot but Tangled destiny had that concept.. let's see 


Hey author,
          16th feb is my exam but I don't feel like reading at alll so can u suggest me some of your fav book I can read ❤️


@AizaInaya I really like their character building plus jealous type hyunjin and if you say which part I don't like thats will be jeongin character..I mean it can be consider his mother-in-law is a devil but why jeongin..i mean wtf.. But overall its really good book 


@AizaInaya I'm glad you liked it, can I know which part was your favourite and which was not?


Aah pretty.. I just finised 'our home'.it's 4:02 and i am awake till now..its really nice you know..how could i say that i feel happy, cringe,  disgust and most of all sad.. Actually its a combination of everything..i really like it..thank you pretty 


I got two things to say to you.
          A. Did you delete “Hyunbok who?” Cause it won’t show up.
          B. Which is a follow up to A, I need that chapter back you’ve made me grown to used to you updating to frequently I feel kinda lost without you bro.
          Love you and be safe though, bye bye  


@24_25_Bae_SKZ I have uploaded the chapter you can check it out!! I just fell asleep while writing it so the long wait but it's done now!!
            Anyways thank you for those sweet words.
            Love you too 


Hiee hope you're doing okay author it's been a while since your update..since u usually update daily even 2-3 days without update feels like months lol you've spoiled us


@hyunlixeeeee Such heavy and beautiful words... Damn!! But I love it even though it's dramatic.... Thank you soo much for these words..


@stellaeverlymnbv I'm doing good... Thank you for the concern..... I think I really spoiled you people with updates 


@hyunlixeeeee noo i totally get u * sobs *


I love your work so much ❤️ ❤️
          Can l ask you a question which country are you from?


@frrrijin Thank you so much for your kind words 


@frrrijin of course I love your stories so much and always looks for updates 
            You are great author. keep going we are here to support you 


@frrrijin I'm from Karnataka!! Hope you get along this summer!!