
Please go follow my acual account the one I've been active on @hugs-please 


Hey pls go follow my acual acount i am no longer active on this account if you want more of my content go follow my other acount


@Bnhawofwc off sorry forgot to so that it late af for me the name is might-be-a-furry 


What’s the name?


Hey you guys i made a YouTube channel and would realy appreciate you guys watching my furst vedio im realy proud of myself! https://youtu.be/SyzKTzUJQ-g


Life update: my parents are getting divorced, my boyfriend just broke up with me, im on my period. I have to go by she/her and my birth name till im 18 and living on my own, and my grades are dropping from 100 to 30s


@I--need--hugs I can't imagine what you're going through... But I can still refer to you has he/him if you want


            Wow I'm on my period too :( 
            But mines ends in 1 or 2 days


@I--need--hugs aww it’s ok just keep trying


          This link will take you to a YouTube vedios reporting on somthing I believe need to be talked about. I want to see this be know yo asll of the general public. So please take this couple of minutes out of your day to watch this. Thankyou 


@I--need--hugs That's disgusting, but I'm glad I know. The company should have done something sooner rather than prioritize their image and social standing. Our world can be pretty messed up sometimes.


this message may be offensive
(Sorry this is long read only if you wanna)
          So I walk down stairs high as fuck right. And in the kitchen I see my dad, me being best friends with my dad I sat down. I asked if we could draw and he said probraoly not tonight but he had a few minutes to talk. An hour later I'm rolling around the kitchen in a rolly chair slurring words and failing at englishing talking to my dad about how we the elite Jedi need to train out friends for 5 months before they enter our house because it fucks with your brain like once you enter you will never be the same again sort of situation and my sister walks in and grabs a snack and says "its because we're a bunch of crack heads"( were not it's a joke.....or.. at least I think)  and leaves. 
          Two hours later when I'm not as high my dad turns around and goes " sometimes I swear your on drugs"