Hey guys whats been going on I miss haveing internetvand being able to anwser all your questions just wait and be. patient I dont know how much longer it will be u til I have internet
Hey you guys! If you can help me get to 30 subscribers by August 10th, I will feature a random followers story and share it on my twitter,instagram, google+ ext.
Hello my very very patient followers so I just got my internet back today so if there are any questions you guys have just fire away and I will anwser to my best ability
Hello followers :-) I know that I haven't written in a while I have been trying I promise just I probably wont have internet at my house til next week so hopefully I will soon. And shout outs to lithium bloom , novel writer and bubbles for supporting me through everything.
Dear Followers, sorry I haven't posted much lately but I haven't had internet. I will only have access to internet at my grandpas so I will try to upliad another chapter for the story of my life.
So I have gotten a lot of questions about username but its simple acctualy I want to live in new york and become a writer or journalist. My dream school is to go to NYU. I that explains what I have been asked.