Don't you just hate when your telling someone straight that what is wrong and they block you after you explained your opinion and left the opinion unbiased and then they said that you were taking sides on their opponents if you want more go to @MiaSmith344
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Are you scared of the potato? Don't be afraid everyone is scared of the potato except for Sasha she'll fucking eat the fucker but you my friend have not responded even though I have give nearly an entire day and you haven't mustered up the courage yet to respond my dude have you changed your mind?
YEE let's get something straight *not you isabelle* the point of a unbiased argument is that you DON'T TAKE Sides and you complaining that I didn't take Mia's side therefore, hypocrite that is my point, also I don't believe that you would want to get on the people's bad side, you could say something philosophical and they mishear it then, within the blink of an eye you are shoved into a wall and yelled at by the strongest kid In the year, also to add to that around about 15 people backing them up ready to join in as soon as a fist flies, ask Mia she knows but I don't believe that she will admit because she is arrogant to me and she won't assist my argument, even if it's true, but I would be surprised if she did but at the same time no I wouldn't because she'll use my advice to seem like a good person
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@IAMPOTATO115 did you even read the conversation I had with Mia? And no this is not a "hate account" just because I haven't been able to make a story doesn't mean that I made this account at midnight and decided to check on Mia and see how's she's doing and there we are then I found out that she was talking bullshit behind my back and that's where it kicked off so don't be too quick to judge