
hey guys! thanks for all the follows. i was considering deleting this account, because my works are not an accurate representation of my ability and i'm rarely on here anymore. however, when i saw both of my works over 1K reads, I changed my mind. even though i won't be deleting this account, i will be going inactive on this account, for perhaps months at a time. if you'd like to see me, I have another account (@himylovelies) where you can see better stories and more dedication to that particular account. thanks you guys!! ❤❤❤


hey guys! thanks for all the follows. i was considering deleting this account, because my works are not an accurate representation of my ability and i'm rarely on here anymore. however, when i saw both of my works over 1K reads, I changed my mind. even though i won't be deleting this account, i will be going inactive on this account, for perhaps months at a time. if you'd like to see me, I have another account (@himylovelies) where you can see better stories and more dedication to that particular account. thanks you guys!! ❤❤❤


Hi guys!
          I want to say thank you so much for all the reads and votes and followers. I never thought anything I wrote would get more than like 5 reads, haha. Anyway, I have a Mullette fanfiction up that's completed if you guys like that stuff, and if i can figure out how to add a cover image on my ancient device i'll have a completed Marliza fanfiction up soon, so yeah. thank you thank you thank you!!!


@ChloeDiSolace I saw your comment on chapter 5 of my Scorbus fanfiction but i'm too lazy to go into the actual story so no they did not get married lmao they just started dating
            and i know it was rushed but it was my first story and i was an overeager young child trying to get my words out on wattpad so that's why it was short :)
            thx for reading