Uhh hi? I'm new to Wattpad, and I'm only really here because I'm an editor for my friend pizzaice123fire on one of her stories, but I am also here to support my friends PrincessAdaline, BabyClara14, and DragonHeart167 (or Storm Queen) so... hehe it's an adventure, I'm learning how to work Wattpad. I do write some fanfics myself, but I'm not gonna post them ** so don't expect to see any on my account at least. Anyway, check out pizzaice123fire PrincessAdaline BabyClara 14 and DragonHeart167 stories! Also while you're at it, check out Shadowflame Dragon, I'm not close friends with them, but I know them and have read their stories, highly recommend all of the authors' listed different stories! They are all amazing authors and I hope you enjoy their stories! Thanks for reading this weird thing!

**Note! There is a colab story coming soon on my friend pizzaice123fire's account so if you care look for that! I'll send out an announcement when she posts that.

Edit: Because I COMPLETELY forgot, I did NOT make my background OR my profile picture

My pronouns (if anyone cares) are she/her though that might change.

Also before I forget, this IS the same person who uses "I am the Night" as their name on Ao3, I'm not stealing it, I was the one who came up with it and yes I am the same person.

Alt pen names: Ruddiger (Ao3), Leetle Fairy (Ao 3 and Fanfic.net), please keep your weapons at the door (Ao3), Moonfire (Fanfic.net), and I am the Night (Ao3, Wattpad, and Fanfic.net)

One more thing:

Dear bullies,
The girl you called fat? She's starving herself. And the boy you teased for crying? His mother died. You know that man you made fun of for his scars? He fought for our country. That man you stole the leather pouch off of? He was homeless. All the other people you've bullied? You've either hurt them really badly or ruined their life. Post this on your profile if you're against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but if you are with the 1% with time and a heart, show it.
  • I am DEFINITELY not sharing that with people I don't know!
  • JoinedApril 11, 2021


Last Message
IAmTheNight2k8 IAmTheNight2k8 Dec 18, 2021 03:08PM
Update! (That I should've posted about 7 months ago) M, Skye, and I have finally posted our story, The Widow’s Spiders! We haven't updated in a while, but it's on M's (pizzaice123fire) profile. Check...
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