All minor jokes aside, I really want to be more active than I am. As my joke has stated, however, school is trying to kill me in it's own way. While schools outside of our district are being nice to their students (comparatively), my district keeps pushing us harder and harder. Normally when I do homework, I get it done and, nine times out of ten, I have time to spend for myself. Now? I am staying up until the morning (anywhere from 12am to I believe the latest being about 5:30/6:00am) working on homework.
I used to love school and currently I hate it due to this added, extra, and typically unnecessary work. Now that we're fully distance learning, I am hoping that my worst fears won't come true. I just want to be a normal teen/near legal adult and have a fμ©k¡ng life!
Despite this whole rant of explanation, I just wanted to say that I AM NOT INACTIVE BY CHOICE. I really, really want to be writing, interacting, and reading on WattPad but I can't so long as my schedule is as messed up as it is.
No matter how chaotic it gets, no matter how stressful it gets, and no how depressing it gets, please know someone cares! I may sound like a basic b¡t©h, but I don't say things I don't mean. Stay safe out there everyone and I'll see you when I see you!