
This is just a start all will be preserved and kept available for everyone to read and hopefully despite how much problems we faced here. It will be here till forever we have no reason no options to go expect to share these everywhere else. All will be here to read for all of you who wish and want so. Next will be 2 more new accs. Only later see you around take care good bye now


@IBelongToYou10 Thank you so much guys! ♡ for everything.


This is just a start all will be preserved and kept available for everyone to read and hopefully despite how much problems we faced here. It will be here till forever we have no reason no options to go expect to share these everywhere else. All will be here to read for all of you who wish and want so. Next will be 2 more new accs. Only later see you around take care good bye now


@IBelongToYou10 Thank you so much guys! ♡ for everything.


This is the last story ever to be made. For the last time. It was made by a chance or for tribute. But it's all we ever got now. Next we move to other places to share all we shared here. Though censored we will also work on fixing all typos like we did to first one. Thank you for always being here with us. Bye see you ♡


There will be more coming however it will soon end here tomorrow will be the last time for us to post here. One acc will be made for all the one's shared by other users. And then the music song lyric stories. Etc this will be done last. Once tomorrow is over we will stop here. We don't expect anymore stories but 2 more accs will be made to share more about him. Thank you see you tomorrow last time ♡


@IBelongToYou10 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


This was done last half week after extra one was done it is the last for all now.
          This is it will be here but move on right now to share these everywhere like we did here expect they will be censored and fixed from typings and archived that way. One story that is missing will be there too. Thank you all ♡ for reading and being here later


Collateral Damage Control was send in September 26. 2024


@ItsuShimizu Said to death and kill lmao so "laughing emoji" no.


@IBelongToYou10 Did he pillow hit or punch them? Lol