-Aut viam inveniam aut faciam-

I am Icarus welcome to the fall

rotates on a bi-weekly bassist

Tuesday: 1Access Denied
Thursday: 2Dear P.D.
Saturday: 1Jesters privilege
  • RegistriertOctober 3, 2020

Geschichten von Icarus
dear P.D. {R, Black} von ICARUSHASFALLEN160
dear P.D. {R, Black}
~"I am under no obligation to make sense to you"~ she saw him sinking into the murky water and jump...
~tales of the cosmos~ von ICARUSHASFALLEN160
~tales of the cosmos~
an assortment of story's, from existing worlds you know and love, to blooming galaxies ready to be found and...
ranking #142 in nobetawedielikemen Siehe die vollständige Rangliste
Jester's privilege von ICARUSHASFALLEN160
Jester's privilege
Jester's privilege is the ability and right of a jester to talk and mock freely without being punished; for n...