
I'm back from the dead lmao.
          	Now that I've graduated from high school, I would like to announce that I'll be starting a new book to showcase *recent* art (cuz it's been YEARS since I last did that here oof).


Hi everyone, it's been awhile...
          A lot has happened since my absence, and I excited to announce that I'll be posting a comic on Webtoon called {Rebel:Warden of Valeris} soon!
          With this, I've decided that I'll be starting over with a new account here, 'cause CHANGE- it happens to all of us lol.
          I'm moving to AmKiArt, where I'll be posting up-to-date stuff for my comic and whatnot. If you're interested in checking it out (although I don't have much at the moment), go ahead and, if you like, follow me ^^ I'll be following back the first 50 people who do so :P
          Sooo, toodles! I was great being here as ICameToWrite XD


Hi guys, back from a long period of inactivity :P
          I was wondering if you guys could back to me on this asap:
          Should I make a new wattpad account, or just continue off of this one? I've made lots of work lately, and I'm thinking about starting over (just because my work has improved :P )
          On second thought, I might just make a new book lol.


I just got 2 wisdom teeth removed! Eheheheheehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh THE AGONY
          . . . Anyway, I hope to get back to updating Adoptables and Random Drawings  (By Me) with the time I have tomorrow, since my activities have been limited now for the time being.
          Also, I'm so close to 100 followers! Woot woot! I'm thinking about doing something special for that ( like several different pictures to celebrate this ). It ain't much but eyyyyy I'm happy about it! 
          Good night! 
          From where I live. . .


Hello, it is I, ICameToWrite. I'm sorry to all of you who've given me requests for art in the last few months, and those who've wanted to adopt some OCs. School has really been on my nerve lately, especially with the 2nd semester finals coming next week. I really am sorry for not coming on for months, and I regret not finishing requests. I'm hoping to come back to Wattpad after next week, once school is out. See you all soon.