
Hi! I just wanted to say that I really love your story so far, and I would love to help you by being your editor! As a high school student myself, I can understand exams and the stress that goes along with them. So, I think that I could be of some help to edit and give some suggestions or jump-starters for the chapters if you run into a block. Just DM me if you wanna have a chat about it! ♥️


Awesome! It's legit 1 am for me as well 


@xxLilith1xx that would be amazing! I'm about to go to bed (it's almost midnight here) and I'm super busy for most of tomorrow and the weekend but I'll totally dm you as soon as I have some time to talk about it. Thank you so much for offering and I promise I'll get back to you as soon as I have time! ♡


Hello! I am a Slytherin, but not all of us are evil!I know how to love! Just they majority, and you sound like an amazhang person to have as a friend. Also pweaseeeeeeeee update your storyyyy


Yay! Thanks ya! (Le squeal)


@Elledeth013 Hi! Don't worry, I know that Slytherins aren't evil. And thanks, I try to be a good person/friend. I'll try to update soon but I've been so busy and stressed and I have writers block so idk when I'll be able to. I'll see if I can manage to get out a filler or something soon for you guys 