
Thank you @fanfic_aholic123 for the follow!


I don’t know what people’s problems are. “nOt aLL pOliCe aRe bAd” get that out of here. We know that but please tell me why you expect us to trust them and defend their names and titles when they’re going around murdering people! I can say I will not stop spreading this message until every coloured person is safe with people that will not murder them and  discriminate against them. #BLM


ok so I remember this one day and I was really tired and I was hanging out with my really loud friends. the noise level that was being projected into my eardrums was astrenomical. i remember telling my friends something along the lines of "I need you to queit the frick frack down, you're giving me a headache" in the most threating tired voice ever, and now that I think about it, my friends were a bunch of Present Mics, and I was Aizawa


Hey blossoms! I hope you guys are doing well considering the fact that at least for me I’m doing online again after March break....if I stop posting for a bit please don’t get worried or mad I’m probably either having a sad streak or I have a lot of school work to get through....again hope you’re all doin ok...


Omg thank you @LimeAndMenace for being my second follower! It means a lot to me!


this message may be offensive
@IDK340490 Holy shit, fellow pansexuals. I'm not alone


Thanks for the follow!


@TheQueenofLGBT Np! your stories are great! you deserve it!