
@IWantCrazy15 what!! Ur drinking crack tea without me! Sigh i miss that tradition, but yes candor has the best! And lets both become assassins and kill tony the tiger ourselves!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA


Aww, thanks so much for the amazing voting on The Fragile Tower and The Cold Lands!! :-D I'm so glad you're reading book 2 and enjoying it. It's just the nicest feeling to be back uploading!
          Hope you enjoy it just as much going forwards. I'd love to hear any thoughts you have, and if you're willing to vote on any other chapters you enjoy, it'd be just the best.
          So good to meet you!


@IDontKissAndTell I don't care wat the world thnks of me crackecabeza!!! HEAR ME WORLD, I AM SCARED OF TONY THE TIGER! NOW SOME ONE PLEASE ANNIHALATE HIM PLEASE! Ur just jealous I got pink ice tea, though sadly its crack is dull compared to the candor markets *sigh* but I'll deal :P and I in't stupid! U are! Ur just jealous that I talk good! <:o)!