Mmmmm, I finally got back into the site..... strange it hasn't changed much. Well, if anyone out there for some reason still happens to be watching me I'm here. I'm still also willing to talk to people if you'd like to talk
Mmmmm, I finally got back into the site..... strange it hasn't changed much. Well, if anyone out there for some reason still happens to be watching me I'm here. I'm still also willing to talk to people if you'd like to talk
OKAY! LISTEN HERE! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! VERY IMPORTANT. The story Confusion will be deleted and redone by the same name. I'll be rewriting it, I'm simply not happy with it. The new story will be similar I just need to work out a few kinks..... Like the fact that I kept thinking it was at America's house while it very well was not. And in thinking of using one point of view. Please tell me if there's anything you'd like to say, I'm done.
Wow, haven't really been too active as of late. I'm probably just talking to myself but I basically fried standing too close to the microwave while making a hot pocket for America.... was an odd experience.