
Working on Chapter 2 rn. Hoping to get it released by today. 


I'm back. Again. From another long hiatus. I'm just unpublishing my current two books until I get the motivation to actually write them. But, how would y'all feel about a Lucifer book? Wondering how I could do it, with the reader being Lucifer. Because unfortunately I can't do like, "Y/N", since the Lucifer name is kind of an important part in the series. I was thinking maybe doing it in second person point of view? So it's still YOU, the reader, as Lucifer, and you can imagine the appearance of Lucifer being what you wish, since it's YOU. If y'all have any ideas, feel free to share. Until then, I'm going to brainstorm how to go about with it. 


@IGotBitter alright, I was so confused when I went on wattpad and saw I had 23 notifications


@Arrowverse18 I did a mass upload for the chapters, but Wattpad ended up deleting like half of them, so I had to unpublish the rest and rewrite them basically. It's a major inconvenience. I'm hoping to push them back out in a week or two. 


@IGotBitter I just hit like twenty notifications about you updating your Spider-Man story, then it got deleted


Alright. I know, I've been gone for a while. And I've been saying I'd continue then I don't. But, since Spider-Man 2 came out, I'mma play that, and hopefully get back to writing the story. 


@IGotBitter yesssss if you don’t it’s fine but I can’t wait to read more of your Spider-Man book 
            No body does Tasm plus insomniac male reader Spider-Man 


I'mma keep this short and simple. I am officially picking the pencil, (or phone, technically) back up. I know, it's been a while, but I've had a lot of things to do. But starting tomorrow, I'll be back to uploading chapters a few times a week. I hope you all are as excited as I am.