
A cAreLeSs WhiSpEr,
          	tO YoU,
          	nOt sO CaRelEss aFteR All.
          	WhY cAreLEss aT aLl?
          	A nEw SoNg, 
          	a NeW rhYmE,
          	tHe gIrl tHaT nEveR sMiLEs,
          	iS loSt iN tiMe.
          	ThE mInD,
          	PlaYiNg tRicKs,
          	oN tHe vIOliN sTriNgs oF hEr hEArt,
          	ThOsE laBYriNth PaThwaYs...
          	ShE wiLl reTuRn,
          	yOu wIll sEe,
          	OncE shE FinDs tHe waY,
          	wHiLe sHe iS leD asTrAy.
          	BuT nOw,
          	A nEw DaWn,
          	a NeW gLiMpse,
          	Of SoMethiNg bOrn,
          	tHis is YoUr nOw,
          	ThiS iS yOur sUnRiSe,
          	YoUr duSk,
          	NevEr yOur dEMisE.
          	TrAiPse tHe paTh,
          	lAiD beFoRe yoU,
          	WhiLe yOu wAiT foR tHe otHer;
          	ShE is noT foRgoTtEn, 
          	sIMply sleEpiNg,
          	ThiS oNe is waKiNg,
          	hEr DreAms foR tHe kEePiNg.
          	sO lEt YouR mAsk cruMbLe,
          	iN a coRnEr Or inTo duSt,
          	HeRe yOur feEliNGs aRe ruBble,
          	yOuR inHiBitioNs rUst.
          	sHe Is tHe anGeL,
          	LeT hEr LeNd yOu heR WiNg,
          	hEre ShE iS toRn...
          	Please hear her sing.
          	. . . Anubis . . .


@IIAnubisII You're always welcome!


@XxRiah916Xx thank you! I can't even say how much I appreciate your support since... well since forever! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@IIAnubisII ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ always beautiful




            Because I have so many exams T^T. I can't even write well, so I'm waiting till summer when I have free time. Until then, I read occasionally. 


A cAreLeSs WhiSpEr,
          tO YoU,
          nOt sO CaRelEss aFteR All.
          WhY cAreLEss aT aLl?
          A nEw SoNg, 
          a NeW rhYmE,
          tHe gIrl tHaT nEveR sMiLEs,
          iS loSt iN tiMe.
          ThE mInD,
          PlaYiNg tRicKs,
          oN tHe vIOliN sTriNgs oF hEr hEArt,
          ThOsE laBYriNth PaThwaYs...
          ShE wiLl reTuRn,
          yOu wIll sEe,
          OncE shE FinDs tHe waY,
          wHiLe sHe iS leD asTrAy.
          BuT nOw,
          A nEw DaWn,
          a NeW gLiMpse,
          Of SoMethiNg bOrn,
          tHis is YoUr nOw,
          ThiS iS yOur sUnRiSe,
          YoUr duSk,
          NevEr yOur dEMisE.
          TrAiPse tHe paTh,
          lAiD beFoRe yoU,
          WhiLe yOu wAiT foR tHe otHer;
          ShE is noT foRgoTtEn, 
          sIMply sleEpiNg,
          ThiS oNe is waKiNg,
          hEr DreAms foR tHe kEePiNg.
          sO lEt YouR mAsk cruMbLe,
          iN a coRnEr Or inTo duSt,
          HeRe yOur feEliNGs aRe ruBble,
          yOuR inHiBitioNs rUst.
          sHe Is tHe anGeL,
          LeT hEr LeNd yOu heR WiNg,
          hEre ShE iS toRn...
          Please hear her sing.
          . . . Anubis . . .


@IIAnubisII You're always welcome!


@XxRiah916Xx thank you! I can't even say how much I appreciate your support since... well since forever! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@IIAnubisII ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ always beautiful


Hello! I do love Oreos - my savage biscuit (do not question the term ). Well - you seem so sweet and charming, on top of that romance and teen-fiction are my two favourite genres. And I am terribly passionate for writing also and it is so nice to find a fellow writer! 
          Anyways... enough of the formalities. 
          Of course it my honour to read your book which I am sure is more fabulous than mega-stuff Oreos dunked in vanilla milk. And it would be lovely if you could read my book and let me know what you think (it is just started though so it may be a bit strange... our hero is quite... unique? ) 
          So see you soon! In the land of imaginations and where dreams are made, where your bad boy hero infests my mind within the depths of your crafted universe. 
          And certainly if you need a book cover - don't hesitate to ask!