
Hopefully be back to writing soon my lovelies xx


Omg I haven't been on here in ages and I'm sooo sorry. I've been so busy with school and boys that I legit haven't had any time to do anything. from my experiences from schhol and relationships, it has inspired to me to write some more. So I'm going to try and finish off 'The Devil in Disguise' because I now know how it ends (it's based on real events not really with me but some are) and im going to try with my other stories and continue writing a Harry fic that never got published. I'll also try to publish some poems and short stories that I write when I get bored.  Also you should follow my joint account with my best friend, the account is called 'GaryxGras' we will be posting imagines and random short stories that we write in our spare time. Thank you for all the cute comments and all the likes and thanks for the cute messages telling me to carry on writing (I will) and thanks for adding these books to your library. I love you guys and there will be more to come, stay awesome and be a bad bitch xoxo (sorry for this being so long and sorry for any spelling mistakes)


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I swear to fucking god wattpad is pissing me off. Stop updating the moblie web cause it fucks up everything! You never fix my problems when I make complaints like do you not listen?! But srsly stop fucking updating the mobile web!