
Okay everyone, I got new story it’s mix between Star Wars: Clone Wars and Call of Duty zombies, here are the titles please vote, But vote wisely.
          	Star Wars Legends: The Reborn Heroic Quartet
          	From the Afterlife to the Clone Wars: The Story of Tank, Takeo, Edward, and Nikolai
          	Fighting for Redemption: Star Wars Clone Wars with the Reborn Warriors
          	Rising Again: The Rebirth of Four Heroes
          	Reincarnated Legends in a Galaxy Far, Far Away


@IJN-Yoshika I like the last one


Hi there, I hope you enjoy my story so far. We'll, If you have any suggestions to give fell free to DM me in my Chat. I also appreciate about some information you have giving to me. I will try my best to see what fit into my story for the Equipment that the Earth Nation have been made in the Future Chapter. 


Hey, so my rewrite has been up for a bit and I kinda want some feedback. How are you liking it so far? I was hoping that rewriting some of Anson’s scenes would do the character better and give the viewer a better sense of his motives. What do you think?


Okay everyone, I got new story it’s mix between Star Wars: Clone Wars and Call of Duty zombies, here are the titles please vote, But vote wisely.
          Star Wars Legends: The Reborn Heroic Quartet
          From the Afterlife to the Clone Wars: The Story of Tank, Takeo, Edward, and Nikolai
          Fighting for Redemption: Star Wars Clone Wars with the Reborn Warriors
          Rising Again: The Rebirth of Four Heroes
          Reincarnated Legends in a Galaxy Far, Far Away


@IJN-Yoshika I like the last one


Hey yo. I just want to say thanks for voting my books. It really means a lot to me. If you have any ideas for what I could do with the characters and story that would be appreciated. 
          Thanks, DB


@IJN-Yoshika So funny story. My email I used for my old account got deleted and now I have a new coat of paint. So I’ll be rewriting my story on this account. Feel free to leave any ideas or input on the new bio pages for the lads.


Hi! I don't know what to say... you voted in a lot of the chapters of my book...
          Even you did it as a mistake, if you read my book, Can you tell me you opinion?


But only down side to them, they are very slow with very heavy guns and many more AA.


o.o wow....
            Uhm my poor Alice limit was 8 tons of food... she is only a fishing boat compared to your ladies O.o


She eat a lot of food, it’s remind the super battleships that can eat 40 tons of foods.