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Even though I don't say it often because you know me and com'on it's - but I love you. There I said it. But I do unfortunately. Damn it lmao halie... wait I swear your name was pampers ha? We are the motherfucking friends who are awesome, well I am, and talk about all the creepass folks everywhere. Oh hey, you aren't sweet. She's fucking playing you because when people get to know you WOW you are legit odoriferous ( have fun searching that up =) )
I'm kiddiingg, you are prepossessing and I love that about you. You aren't like those desperate fake asses hoes, which need to back off here , and that's why I actually still TALK to you. You are fucking hilarious and even when I'm pissed you come out and say " get a grip " which I do lmao. But I love you because dude, you are not afraid to be you. Uh ha see I said something deep! Never change mate or I swear to you I'll make your life hell. You know me, I will ♡ You listen to the weirdest fucking songs that no one's heard of and secretly after I cuss them out, I listen to them secretly. Hey! You liked my 80s playlist so don't you start - stupido- remember that stupid movie about the fairy... the fairy wooooh who wore that green dress... I watched it with grace okay! Yeah you remind me of her... ☆ well, pampers, I killed goofy for you ♡