I adopted a duck into tha family. I will introduce her later


N honestly mama brought home da bacon


GUYS. So I js recently posted a one shot abt me n this girl named Lilly. I js put a place holder in there but her name I know her as is Lion and I'm acc ADDICTED to this forbidden romance. She's 16 nearly 17 I'm 13 going 14. WE LITRALLY LIVE 1 HOUR AWAY FROM EACH OTHER.  She's gay I'm pans. shi works out. adds me to this discord gc and we start flirting I FIND OUT SHE'S MF FRENCH. LIKE HELP. Shes older than me, into fem girls, has th same humor than me is ACCTUALLY gay, flirts w me back AND IS FRENCH. omlll its all I need *insert that rlly weird but totally needed moaning face emoji* irl friends r gonna see this n think i'm going crazy... yes yes I am. Legit ask Tina I broke up w Lance for this girl. I'm acc so happyyy rnnnnn AHHH. ok gn my pookiess stay safe and find urself a Lion/Lilly (If u have any reccomendations for the One shot book lmk)