
Since I am snowed in and on a Level 3 Snow Emergency, thought i would finally upload the first chapter of Story of my Life, once was When Dreams Come True. I'm super excited for everyone to read it, it is still currently because switched around an still in editing so chapter uploads will take a while before its all caught up. Enjoy!


Since I am snowed in and on a Level 3 Snow Emergency, thought i would finally upload the first chapter of Story of my Life, once was When Dreams Come True. I'm super excited for everyone to read it, it is still currently because switched around an still in editing so chapter uploads will take a while before its all caught up. Enjoy!


FINALLY UPDATED Can I Do This? Its been a long time coming and sorry for the long wait, was going to post last night but I ended up going to see Bohemian Rhapsody last night and didnt get home till 1am so i wrote half of chapter 1 and just finished it now. Enjoy!!! maybe another update tomorrow or during the week it just depends. Love you guys!!!!


Expect a few updates today, so far I have an chapter or two of Can I Do This? ready just doing some editing and maybe, MAYBE an update of my newly edited story Story of My Life which originally was When Dreams Come True, we will have to see later on today


Yupp, updates are slowly coming. I found all of my stories and slowly getting them updated. So far its going to be His Secret more often than the others since im still editing but they will be coming here sometime soon. Love you all and thanks for staying and bearing with me through my very long dry spell. Love you all lots


Hey my loves! I know ive said this before but i will be updating a few chapters on my stories here soon. Work is crazy and i really need you sit and write so im not so stressed. Expect updates here soon. Thank you for all the reasons on all of my stories i truly appreciate them and for those who have been with me since the beginning i truly truly appreciate you. Love you all!


Yes everyone I have updated His Secret, sorry I've been MIA for like Ever but I've been rewriting alot and been working like crazy. But I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things, it will probably be His Sceret that will be updated most since I'm still rewriting the Louis fic and the Niall fic. I have to find my Larry/Niam fic. my room is a mess and forgot where that story is at. So I hope you enjoy the new His Secret chapter and expect some more coming soon


hey guys i know its been a long time, sorry its just been alot since ive graduated and school has started again. but i will be doing alot of editing with my stories, not my larry story tho that one will staying the way it is and so is my harry conick jr fic is staying the way it is too, but the others will be edited and rearranged alot, because i now can write hell of alot better now so expect my other two stories either deleted or expect them to have a different outline and title. sorry for the inconvinence but i'll be uploading sometime soon when i get my laptop to my moms vause i'll be having wifi soon.