
This site has changed so drastically since I first joined in 2011. It's been 8 years since I have first discovered this platform in the app store and it's amazing how many joyful memories this site brings me. I remember how I would wait for weekly updates from my favourite authors and the times I would post and anxiously wait for responses. This is probably the first time I have logged onto here in a year and its beyond surprising to me how my stories are still being viewed as there are so many new amazing reads on here.


This site has changed so drastically since I first joined in 2011. It's been 8 years since I have first discovered this platform in the app store and it's amazing how many joyful memories this site brings me. I remember how I would wait for weekly updates from my favourite authors and the times I would post and anxiously wait for responses. This is probably the first time I have logged onto here in a year and its beyond surprising to me how my stories are still being viewed as there are so many new amazing reads on here.


So i just got like a reality check and want you all to know I appreciate you. I appreciate all the support you guys give me...on all sites. I was so surprised a couple minutes ago when i googled RBMS. I was so clueless before..i ended up on barnes and noble site (i didnt even realize my book was available on there..oops) and i was reading the reviews. I think te reviews help me grow as a person, to know that there are flaws and to understand it. Anyways that was probably a useless ramble to you all, but good day! LOL. 


super excited to announce that I will be trying to get back to writing. lol. I've been on a hiatus for so long and honestly I missed writing. I only stopped cuz sometimes it felt like a chore. Anyways I will usually be posting on sundays except for this upcoming one since I will just be extending chapter one of love has no end. also chapters of coming works will start to be edited before posting by a great friend of I'm excited for that too. lol.