I will soon release a second story which is actually a remake of my first one, which got deleted months ago by Wattpad, supposedly for "breaking its policies". The story's name is Luna's Special Treatment, it's possible that some of my older followers remember. Don't worry - Violet's story isn't abandoned and will still be continued. As a matter of fact, both stories will be set in the same universe, so you guys/girls might see a crossover between the two at some point.
@Rym997 I still have the story, if @ILikeDinos23 is okay with me sharing it I will be happy to do so. I just don't really know how to do it in a way that protects everyone's privacy. Just keep in mind that I got it from wattpad when it was still up, and that my method of getting it tends to leave a random number or + at the end of some paragraphs.