I write fictional stories, mostly science fiction in one way or another. But fictional universes are so great! They are your universe, one that you can build from scratch. I love using my imagination to build worlds. Figured I might as well share the world with anyone who cares to look at them.
  • Somewhere in the USA
  • InscritDecember 11, 2015


Dernier message
ILiveOnYourLawn ILiveOnYourLawn Dec 15, 2016 02:50PM
Wow, it has been a while since I've posted. I am still writing, but things are a bit more difficult. I am trying to make sure that I am not writing a video game, but I'll admit, I have the most exper...
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Histoire par ILiveOnYourLawn
Champions (Volume 1) par ILiveOnYourLawn
Champions (Volume 1)
Sam, a 14 year old is drafted into a war he never even could have imagined had existed. He and two others fro...
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