how in the world do people write fanfics??????? this is wayyyy harder to do than I though if anyone has any tips please help!!!!!!

so here's the thing about following the story line.... my parents won't let me watch anime!!!!! :( I know what happens, but that's only because of fan fiction :( but I have one friend that got me the first 2 mha manga, and then my grandmother got me the 3rd and 4th, but I don't have them at my house yet bc im scared that my parents will find them!!!! :( and I don't have an editor, but I can ask my friend that got me the firs 2 manga if she can edit for me, but my only hesitation to do that is that she dosent actually like mha :( and im not gonna promise my readers anything bc the only time I can write is at school bc I can't write this stuff at home with my parents :( and I don't have anyone that encourages me through this :( but thank you so much for your advice!!!!!! I will make some adjustments based on what you said, thank you again!!!!! :)

@ILuvKatsukiBakugo Honestly, you just need to power through. Try to follow the canonical storyline as much as you can—but also make sure your OC has at least some influence. If you want a slow burn, make it FRUSTRATING, cuz then it’ll have the readers wanting MORE. If you don’t have an editor, try to read over your writing and fix any mistakes before publishing a chapter. Don’t promise your readers anything in case things don’t work out. Sometimes, it just helps that you have someone encouraging you and is by your side through it all. I hope you have that person :)