I love ur story...I mean it just so good!! It's my fav story and I just love it....so much that....I think I'm writing it in a hard cover...bc it's just so amazing!!
Hey guys. The story is done and it will be up exactly at 6:30 pm on NOvember, 25, 2013 . I'm so sorry for the delay. I procrastinate to much. Love you guys. I just need to edit and proof read my work or else here is going to have over 100000000 grammar mistakes. K bye, thanks for reading. I seriously can't thank you guys enough.
I'm so freaking sorry, I haven't be uploading, I really don't mean to. I promise I will have this all done by Friday. Could someone please slap me. I can't express how bad I feel. I know the felling of when u want to read a story but there is no more to read. Everything will be finished by Friday November 22, 2013. I have alot of editing to do and just writing in general. TBH my story gets kinda confusing sometimes and I know it. Just please forgive me. I'm so glad you guys like the story so much. All the comments always cheer me up. I'm done ranting. All I can say is thanks and that I saw a tree today O___O