Writer, greater Boston area. Thank you for reading my work. Appreciate thoughtful feedback. Happy to connect with other writers.
  • RegistriertMarch 1, 2018

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Geschichten von IMBolt
Scene study: Escape from the Rutan control room   von IMBolt
Scene study: Escape from the Rutan...
A single scene from an IG game I am currently writing. Introduced a twist into it in the form of an unexpecte...
ranking #360 in doctorwhofanfiction Siehe die vollständige Rangliste
Shark Attack von IMBolt
Shark Attack
Dan's sick and broke. Ivan has a solution... Caution: a bad word or two.
The young man who would not write: a modern fable von IMBolt
The young man who would not write:...
Gareth will not write, nor even bother to learn, and this gets him into trouble... Note: This was another sto...