
Happy birthday Torkmy! Wish you all the best hon! I hope you are still here as I couldn't find your acc. Hope all is good 


After  all the deaths, especially suicides around me I feel numb towards the feeling of "death is always there". Sure let it be around me, let it hang around me. At this point I am the one seeking death the moment I get the opportunity, I will beat the death before getting it to me. I will take myself there with my own hands, I just need time. I am only scared to hurt this one person, my mum and thats it. I pray for her to live long as moment she leaves me I am also waving goodbye.


I got rid of most of the things and pictures that reminded me of you and our time together. I'm getting stronger, I'm getting over it. I barely remember most of the memories and I gotta thank my goldfish memory for that. I can get rid of everything but why can't it forget these music which you showed me once?