
I couldn't post any work for few days because of my personal reasons. Now the second part of bridal musk has been uploaded, please comment bad or good and do share my work to keep me motivated. 


Hi, I've read bachai kora ekdin And a few poetry of yours, takao! And a few more. And I think you understand where the sweet clash of creativity or taste is. And I hope you'll take it on the chin and progress way more beautifully in coming days. Wishing you all the very best. 


I was once very much depressed, my friend asked me what it's feel like being depressed.... Well couldn't answer him then.  This poem is my answer 
          I just published "বিছানার ডাক" of my story "বিছানার ডাক".


Hello, I am new to this app. I will regularly post my own poetry and short stories. I don't know if you will like it or not. Also don't know How can I spread my post. Help me on my journey if you feel like....