
Hey! Hey!
          	It has been a hot minute! First and foremost—THANK YOU!!! Thank you for all the reads, votes, follows, and comments you have all blessed me with. Jane is blowing up, and it makes me so happy! From the Ashes hit 100,000 reads!!!! Holy sh!t!!! I can't believe it. WOW! You guys are truly amazing. Thank you.
          	On that note,  I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in so long. Since taking a bit of a sabbatical from Wattpad, I've done a lot of thinking and writing. Life is busy as we adult along... but I've decided to bring back Rains of Calamity. It is a crazy read and one of my absolute favourites, with a rollercoaster of wtf moments like I've never written before. I hope you give it a try. 
          	Going forward, I will only upload completed stories that I'm happy with. I hate being stumped and not having completed work available for you to read. With that in mind, I will be uploading chapters frequently—maybe daily or every other day. 
          	Until next time, 
          	Happy Reading & Writing,
          	Immy =0)


Hey! Hey!
          It has been a hot minute! First and foremost—THANK YOU!!! Thank you for all the reads, votes, follows, and comments you have all blessed me with. Jane is blowing up, and it makes me so happy! From the Ashes hit 100,000 reads!!!! Holy sh!t!!! I can't believe it. WOW! You guys are truly amazing. Thank you.
          On that note,  I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in so long. Since taking a bit of a sabbatical from Wattpad, I've done a lot of thinking and writing. Life is busy as we adult along... but I've decided to bring back Rains of Calamity. It is a crazy read and one of my absolute favourites, with a rollercoaster of wtf moments like I've never written before. I hope you give it a try. 
          Going forward, I will only upload completed stories that I'm happy with. I hate being stumped and not having completed work available for you to read. With that in mind, I will be uploading chapters frequently—maybe daily or every other day. 
          Until next time, 
          Happy Reading & Writing,
          Immy =0)


Hi Immy! Hope all is well with you. I'm not sure if you're on here much these days because I barely am. LOL. 
          So, I've decided to put one of my stories on kindle and was wondering if you had your stories professionally edited before uploading on there. I'm not sure if i have to or not? I would have private messaged you about it, but that feature seems to have been removed sadly as I've just discovered. anyway, congrats on nearly 100k reads my friend.


Hey Immy!  That's so exciting that your story is taking off!  It's funny how some stories take off straight away and others take ages or never do. either way, congrates on the reads and votes my friend--you deserve it. 
            Yes, I agree self-publishing looks to be a total headache. I have no idea how long it will take me to get it organized but I'm determined to do it this time. I do have an account with kindle from last year when I was going to post one of my stories on there but so much had happened in my life at that point that I sadly lost interest. 
            Anyway, this time I plan on doing it. 
            I'm just not sure if I will get someone to edit the story first or not. I dont want to waste money so I'm just looking around at the moment to see what my options are. I would love to make a nice cover but I'm not having much luck with that at the moment since I can't seem to come up with something that I really like on canva. 
            I've been doing a bit of researching on how kindle works and so far, I think I'll put it on kindle unlimited and see how it goes. 
            As you said, it's all about time and patience and nothing happens over night as we both know. LoL. Thankfully we have social platforms to advertise on. 
            like you, I would love to make some coin since it takes so much time and energy to complete a novel. 
            What's the name of your story on kindle because I tried to find it the other day but couldn't?
            Anyways, it's getting late here and as nice as it is to catch up, I have editing to do. Bye for now.


@shaylst, self-publishing is a pain—I agree. There are so many things to consider, and without help with the nitty-gritty aspects, one can feel overwhelmed. However, as much as I enjoy writing and would love to make some serious coin one day, investing in the tools (editors, marketing, book covers, etc...) is not feasible at the moment. 
            So, to answer your questions, no, I had no help. Kindle makes it relatively easy to self-publish. They walk you through the 'manuscript' editing (all you have to do is make sure it's to your editorial liking... in other words, you've proofread it for grammatical errors. I invested in Grammarly. I love that app, and my kids use it all the time for school, too.) 
            Once you have your manuscript to your liking (which, btw is through a KDP app - if you haven't got there yet?!?), you then move onto Kindle and set up an account. From there, they literally walk you through every step, explaining everything. From pricing to uploading the manuscript and everything in between. If you get stuck on anything, YouTube videos are a lifeline. =0)
            When it comes to the book covers, you can upload your own if you're happy with the one you already have, or you can make one through Kindle using their templates for free. Everything is free to publish on Amazon. 
            It sounds like a lot of work—and well, it is. Perfecting your manuscript is the hardest part. After that, there will be a few hiccups along the way, but I promise it's pretty straightforward. From the ebook upload, you can then make your stories available in paperback and hardcover if you wish. 
            As for money, have I made any??? Yup, I have. Am I rich? Not even close, but I've enrolled in the Kindle Club, which allows members who pay a monthly fee to read for free, and that has generated income. I've had several of those readers turn around and buy my paperbacks as a result. 
            It's an investment of time and patience. I'm out of characters. Let me know if you have any more questions—I missed you.


@IMZoetic Omg hello! it has been ages since we last chatted. I'm glad someone is enjoying the heat since it's cold where I am. Lol
            Thanks so much for the info it's so helpful. 
            But there are so many costs involved in publishing a book as I've discovered.  Besides the editors, there is the added expense of a book cover, formatting, and then getting a writer's website done if and when you might need one.  And let's not forget about finding time in between all that to market the book. The joys of self-publishing. but I'm looking forward to doing it and hopefully making some coin too. 
            So how are your stories going on kindle? did you do any of the formatting and cover design yourself or did you get help?


Are you still there? Please tell me you are still writing and we can find your work somewhere 


@lamielle11 awww! Thank you. FYI, I will be uploading a new story here shorty. Standby! =0)


@imzoetic thank you for responding. I will definitely check out your work on Amazon!  Take care 


@lamielle11 Hi! I'm around, just not as much as I used to be. I've always been a behind-the-scenes writer, and I upload my stories after they are finished and protected. As of late, I've been too busy with my personal life to dedicate the time I used to. That said, I do have four books published on major sites like Amazon, iBook, Kobo, etc...
            — Bound to You
            —Shattered by You
            —Enamoured with You
            (this is a trilogy/saga that were the first books I wrote. They're adult contemporary—no wolves amongst these bad boys!!!
            —Rains of Calamity 
            This is one of my favourites. It's an apocalyptic, shifter, dystopian, and zombified tale like no other. I really enjoyed writing it. I never saw myself writing something this farfetched until I did, and it came so easily. 
            Anyway, thank you for your support and reading what I have uploaded here on Wattpad. I really appreciate it! Take care, and I hope you check out my other stories.


Hey! Hey!
          Just a heads up 21 is complete and will be reduced to a sample read shortly. To those who have taken the time to read it, I hope you enjoyed my rendition of a sin-city tale. The epilogue along with bonus chapters will be included in the Amazon published copy for those itching to see what Cassin and Faya’s future looks like!!!???!!!
          Until next time,
          Happy Reading & Writing,
          Immy :0)


Hey! Hey!
          Jane is complete!!! The last few chapters were just added. Unlike my other stories, there is no epilogue for this one. I wanted the reader to envision their own path for Jane and Silas.
          Be forewarned, Jane will not be sticking around for too long. I will be publishing the edited version with bonus chapters on Amazon/Smashwords within the coming months. 
          That said, any comments would be appreciated. I see several people have read it, but with no comments to gauge interest and what you liked or not, it's hard to make adjustments. 
          Now I'm just rambling! Haha!!! Time to go and snow blow the last dump of snow! With me luck.
          Immy =0)