Es ist zwar spät und ich denke du bist nicht mehr hier auf Watty, aber dein schreib styl ist trotzdem ✨wundervoll✨ <3
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gonna archive my ushiten story in a week. explanation: i was and still am in a situation where i am not stable, that story represented that to the point where i was trying to half ass a happy ending I wished so dearly for myself. it's an manifestation of deep misery and toxicness and i am not comfortable with still keeping it up on my profile. i know that hearing those emotion represented in a story can be validating but it also keeps oneself in that visious circle (at least it indirectly did for me and that's reason enough to take it down). it also twists serious mental health issues in a kinda romantic way, it's a romance story after all and for that im apologizing to everyone i inderectly caused harm to. the story also represents the medical system wrongly, i didn't knew shit back then and I still don't. idc if someone copy paste the story to their notes to still read it after will i archive it, if they want to hold this story close. hope you are okay, love you <3
@IMetHerInTheBathroom we love u too, take as much time as much time as you want
Es ist zwar spät und ich denke du bist nicht mehr hier auf Watty, aber dein schreib styl ist trotzdem ✨wundervoll✨ <3
gonna archive my ushiten story in a week. explanation: i was and still am in a situation where i am not stable, that story represented that to the point where i was trying to half ass a happy ending I wished so dearly for myself. it's an manifestation of deep misery and toxicness and i am not comfortable with still keeping it up on my profile. i know that hearing those emotion represented in a story can be validating but it also keeps oneself in that visious circle (at least it indirectly did for me and that's reason enough to take it down). it also twists serious mental health issues in a kinda romantic way, it's a romance story after all and for that im apologizing to everyone i inderectly caused harm to. the story also represents the medical system wrongly, i didn't knew shit back then and I still don't. idc if someone copy paste the story to their notes to still read it after will i archive it, if they want to hold this story close. hope you are okay, love you <3
@IMetHerInTheBathroom we love u too, take as much time as much time as you want
that's it. i think i am done with wattpad. it was nice getting to know you all <3
@IMetHerInTheBathroom hsjdje ich hab das lied letztens erst kennengelernr und war so "hold up-"
@lilli1234lilli I love you <3 Yes, du bist einer der ersten die es bemerkt/mir mitgeteilt haben! Du verdienst eine Goldmedaille :) Habe diesen Account erstellt als mir dieses Lied ALLES bedeutete (ungefähr die Zeit in der ich mich mit meiner Sexualität auseinander gesetzt habe)
hey <3 just finished this book and it would mean the absolute world to me if you could check it out! usually i never ask for this but it's a really important piece to me so please don't be shy to comment or vote. i can genuinely promise that it's worth it. love you https://www.wattpad.com/story/288277365
how about giving people the fucking ability to be creative with layouts, colors and random shit instead of gatekeeping it to a few people who will bring you money wattpad? im so fed up with this app and how it restricts everything i want to do. like let me put pretty things in my storys and make cute little distinctions between chapters without making me rage (because it's so hard to when this app doesn't let you do it easily). i shouldn't have to be famous here to enjoy the experience wtf maybe give a little bit back to the people who make you money with their content you stupid ignorant company?
Ist leider so. Wie fast überall. Und dann ist es viel zu teuer. Hätte kein Problem mit 1-2€ im Monat. Ehrlich. Ich zahl für Leistung, aber…:-/
bro why did nobody tell me that some weird ass homophobes read blb/wlw bc they fetishize these relationships?!
@lilli1234lilli yeah and the worst part is that they fetishize queer relationships just because they are attracted to the gender both lovers have. I once had two male friends who despised gay men but found it attractive if two woman had something with each other. first of: the fucking audacity and second: what a big red flag (i cut them out of my life as fast as i could)
Love you<3
It's been a hot minute since I opened this app. How is everyone?
@lilli1234lilli Hoffe du bist mittlerweile mit den Klausuren durch oder zumindest dabei :)
i was 14 while writing my kuroken fic. im glad these times are over
wanna know y'alls top music artists (you can list as many ppl as you want)
@KenmaIsAKurooSimp uh davon kenn ich selber einige! Richtig interessant ^^ Meine Top Artists wären definitiv: Yung Lean Lil Peep Tj_beastboy & babybrain Ezekiel Suicideboys Lord Gasp Wilbur soot Ghostemane And many more :)
@IMetHerInTheBathroom das stimmt! <3 & thanks a lot, das freut mich zu lesen! ^//////^
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