hey- my tail's real, so don't go trying to pull on it so roughly got it﹖
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/ cb n specify!! i'll make a thread for lore and shit very very soon (i say as im swamped in work.)
hey- my tail's real, so don't go trying to pull on it so roughly got it﹖
/ cb n specify!! i'll make a thread for lore and shit very very soon (i say as im swamped in work.)
you should run faster~ that curse looks like it has a vendetta for you
you were too busy panicking and running that you didn't think to stand your ground and fight back [ she dropped down from her comfortable spot on a nearby tree branch before walking over to the other to give him a pat on the shoulder ] the curse either way is now dealt with, so good job~
@vigiIants, you've gotta be kidding me. c'mon.. ⋆ seonghyun's groan is very much audible, but he still dutifully activates his technique. and with that the curse was swiftly dispatched. ⋆ .. whew. no idea why i hadn't thought of using that.
and this is for you. it's to pay you back for those fries you shared with me last time~
it didn't sit right on my conscious to not give you back anything in return. plus, i never even got your name that last time we talked
/ cb n spec pookies!!! replies will be kinda slow cause ive got lots of work. ☠︎
what? i know, i'm handsome. but do you really have to stare? (⌒‿⌒)
‘course i'm real. ya think i'm one o’ them.. er, whatchamacallit? artificial.. err. doodads?
@wildranged, shit, yeah.. things got heavy. oops. no, it’s on me for asking in the first place.. oh well. hey, d’you want to eat something? we’re close to this one shop that serves the best waffles.
yeah, i'm honestly surprised. i wasn't myself when that curse got into me ... i lost most of my memories. i owe whoever saved me everything. but i ain't too sure if i should be thankful, either.(...)awh, shit. my bad. didn't mean to make this sound all sad ‘n shit.
@wildranged, huh.. i don't really know what to say to that. but i guess it's good that you're still here, right? that you're alive.
yer blockin’ the path! dang dawdler, can’t help them little feet, huh? oh⸺oh? yer hurt? ah,(..)my bad.
@wildranged, just.. work things, i suppose. ⋆ a halfhearted answer, but it /was/ sort of the truth. he /had/ been sent out on a job. and while it’s not true that he really has /nowhere/, he certainly can’t go back in this state. if he did, the clan elders might start doubting him even more. what use did they have for an assassin that couldn’t even do a clean job? and if they decided they didn’t need him.. then what? seonghyun dared not imagine. he allows himself to doze lightly as the other man walks, not quite unconscious but not fully awake either. just enough to be aware of their surroundings, but simultaneously let himself get some rest. ⋆
[ no... place to go? he's roughed up bad. and he feels a tad awful at that too. ] ⠀let's get you all patched up first, yeah? yer in good hands. luckily there's just a clinic right ‘round the corner. ⠀[ his arms supported his legs from behind, as dullahan began to walk at a steady and comfortable pace. he wouldn't want to hurt the poor fellow if he went on and rushed immediately. ] ⠀just what in tarnation happened to ya?
@wildranged, ⋆ seonghyun groans, a soft huff escaping him as he’s lifted. his injuries twinge in protest, blood still seeping steadily.. he would use reverse cursed technique, but that requires a huge amount of concentration and right now he’s simply too exhausted. ⋆ ‘m.. don’t exactly got a place to go as of now, ⋆ he slumps against the back of the other, quite boneless. it felt a little awkward, but he wouldn’t further inconvenience by moving any more. ⋆
Where are we going? You’re creeping around, Seonin. ~^_^
∗ teehehee he wants u too! (he'll use you)
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