hey hotties
          	so i'm not gonna be posting anymore cause idk i'm just lazy.
          	maybe in the future
          	but i'll still be posting here with stuff maybe because i'm lonely and am a closeted anime enjoyer so slay what u want to slay
          	anyway new challenge for me, i can't go to sleep until i've beat all three geometry dash meltdown levels 
          	wish me luck cuties


hey hotties
          so i'm not gonna be posting anymore cause idk i'm just lazy.
          maybe in the future
          but i'll still be posting here with stuff maybe because i'm lonely and am a closeted anime enjoyer so slay what u want to slay
          anyway new challenge for me, i can't go to sleep until i've beat all three geometry dash meltdown levels 
          wish me luck cuties


Just lost most of my friends hahahahahahahahahah


this message may be offensive
guess who got new friends and now the person who ruined everything had come back and now they (person with new friends) wants to befriend them again for some reason even tho they (person who ruined everything) is a complete asshole
            if u couldn't guess ur stupid ig


this message may be offensive
          All of my friends keep arguing with me, saying that I started it, and making me feel guilty and I don’t know why??? Why the fuck do they hate me so much like what did I do wrong?? Stand up for myself?? But honestly they won’t even tell me what I’m doing wrong all I want is to fix it and they won’t tell me shit they just ignore me.


My bag broke so now I need to carry around a stinky one >:[
          Anywho, another school story!
          So exams are going on and in our school they like block of certain areas for the exams and the other day we had to find our maths class cause the other room we usually go to was being used. It was fine because it was same a few days before but when we went to the room we were in last time a class was already in there. So we walked around looking for our actual class and our teacher shows up. Apparently she didn’t know either. So she searches it up on the teacher thing and it turns out it was in the SAME CLASSROOM AS WE WERE IN LAST CLASS????!?!??
          School is bad 
          Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Got a new bag and it’s,,,, pretty poggers 