“ / phones / . . you are the second person to say that peculiar word , but i suppose it is something that everyone uses nowadays . . how peculiar . . ” he said , mostly to himself as a yawn slipped past his lips . . his dark irises rolled , “ patience . . we both know that patience is not something that i am known to have . . nor am i one to delegate chaos and decision making to those in / power / . . ” he said , chuckling softly . his eyes rolled once more as his gaze shifted onto his dirtied nail. he picked at it , growing bored with what the other was telling him , “ truly idiotic to allow those without a mind to lead . . true leaders are disobedient towards those in / power / . hell must break loose soon . . or perhaps i should rest until that day comes ~ “ sidious muttered , looking at the other once more as his hand returned to his side .