
Hi  I see it’s been a REALLY LONG TIME (2019) since you last updated “The Alpha’s Missing Mate”. It seems as though you haven’t been writing or active at all in ages so I’m not sure if you’ll even get this message but I really hope you do. 
          When I come across a story that has a lot of chapters but is still marked as ‘ONGOING’, I will usually go to the last chapter that was updated and read the last few paragraphs, or look for author notes etc. This is become I’ve found some authors, although they have COMPLETED the story/book, they choose to leave it as ONGING as they have yet to edit it. 
          Personally I’m not fussed about the editing if a story really piques my interest, as long as it’s finished, I’ll dive in. Unfortunately I found your story really is still ongoing. But being intrigued, I read the last two chapters and I have to say I absolutely love the characters personalises you’ve developed. You have great creative talent (and I had no clue as to what’s going on) but the humour and sarcasm especially from the possibly gay dragon ha me giggling when he threatened To sing ‘Shake it off’ when tease about his love affair with the grass after their forest hike. I think it was the song and if it’s the one I’ve thinking of (...shake it off, just shake it off. If the player want to play...” - no idea of artist or if that the song you referred to but I could so imagine a ‘metro-male’ (I believe that’s the phrase uses for the more image and hygiene conscious man rather than the ‘rough bloke/Manly-man’ type. 
          Anyway I truely hope you find your way back to finishing this story as just those two chapters were really engaging and super well written (and considering thats how i felt without even knowing the storyline, that is definite praise for your creativity and writing skills! Please finish it. Or if by chance you know write on a different platform, please let me know. i really would love to read the finished version of this story and any others you write. 


Hey there I like the sunflower background, you haven't updated in a while, like a long while no? I cant help but wonder if you are doing alright, or always worries me when I see an author hasn't updated in a really long time. I hope you are okay and doing well and still have a passion for your novels. <3


When are you updating???


@INeedAMate going to read it right now 


@INeedAMate I'm crossing mine too and I know the wait will be worth it ;)


When are you uploading again I miss your book already :( 


@_Queen_Of_July_ I'll keep that in mind, since the book still has a long way to go!! :)  It might happen! Who knows ;D


Oh my god yassssssss !!!!! Can you make a part for my ship though ❤️