
Hey am just wondering are you working on one chapter or are you working on the whole story because No Matter What is probably the most realistic Dreammare I have read and I can’t wait for more chapters and am just wondering is something going to happened to Dream that allows physical touch with nightmare without burning/liquifying aka shattered dream?


I am obsessed with your story "No Matter What."
          The way it was written to all of the unbroken canon lore; to further prove the story's existence somewhere in a sea of boundless creators and abundance of creations. Dreammare has to be my favorite ship of all and I ship it respectfully.
          If you were willing, I'd be elated to continue on reading new chapters and possibly making fanart for it as well. (Only hiccup would be I cannot draw if something is purely described in words--if you are intending me to draw something in a specific area--instead of my vast imagination producing its own results.) ((In other words I struggle bringing to life outfits on paper that have only been seen in written form. But I would always be willing to try.))
          Also-! How are you currently? I hope it doesn't sound too intrusive, or skeptical of me to ask.


@IPutTheRInRandom I can't wait to see it! I hope I can speak for a lot of your fans when I saw that you can take as long as you want and that we hope you are happy and healthy! Literally any update even a sentence would feed me for months :Sob:


            I'm glad to hear you're doing better!! I wish you great health and love.
            I'm also glad you're working on the book! I'll be sure to do my best in creating that fanart. I have a few ideas, and I'll be sure to tag / and or / credit you when I start them! You're doing great, keep on doing your best. Your work really does inspire me.


@Dream1ng_Cl0uds I'm doing better, and currently working on more chapters for No Matter What. Feel free to draw any fanart you'd like, just tag or credit me so people know where it's from and I can see it!


Hey, I'm just curious but are you planning to continue the 'No Matter What' series? I've seen a lot of amazing authors just quit writing or forget about this fandom in general so I was wondering if you were following the same path, thank you for your time if you read this! 


@IPutTheRInRandom omg thank god, i thoight you forgot about it 


Really? Thats awesome! Im so excited, thank you again for messaging back.


@PastelPurpleBlobs I am, actually. I have a big project in the works, hopefully to be released soon ;)


Hiiii! How are you doing? Im cqme from the fic "no matter what". Sorry for disturbing you, but i wanted to ask, may I make a video to that universe? I was so fascinated by it, and this idea came. Of course, only if you allow it. And of course ill also give credits, cause i dont wanna steal or something. Its just i had this idea, and i really wanted to do it,but not before asking the creator. Its also ok if you say no, I'd totally understand!, anything you're comfortable with. I can even tell you what the idea was, if you want to know. So yeah, i wanted to ask before doing anything about it. Anyway, the story was awesome, i loved it! I hope you're feeling better with everything you were going through and have an Amazing day! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Omg thank you so much! Of course ill credit you! Im really gratefull! Thank you again! Have an awesome day!


@Masked_Fox_God as long as you tag me, I'm all for it! Please, go ahead :)


Hey! Uh, There's going to be a purge soon. If you write NSFW, incest, abuse, LBGTQ+ and underage and these type of things, I hope you move your books somewhere because....Well...The purge! It's going to happen because Wattpad has been bought by the South Korean Naver. It's bound to be a purge here, hope  you've saved your books.


Read it all!⬇️I mean it!⬇️Read it all! If you were killed, I wouldn’t be at your funeral. I i’d be in jail for killing the person who killed you. We are true friends. We ride together, we die together. Send this to everyone you care about, including me, if you care. See how you many you get this. I want you to know that you’re an amazing friend, till death and forever. But I have a game for you. once you read this, letter you must send this to 15 people, including me. If you get at least 3 back, you are loved. Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it. Tonight (right around 12PM) the person you love will realize they love you. Then, at 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm, be ready for the shock of your life! If you break this chain, you will have bad luck. With love, send this to the 15 prettiest girls or nicest guys you know. If you don’t, you’ll turn ugly in one year. If you get three back, man you cute bae! A friend told me to do this, so pass it on! Tomorrow two girls/boys will ask you if they can have your number. Send this message to 15 nice, beautiful girls and nice boys or bad luck starts a whole year. This is not fake. Apparently if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. Good luck.


What is this?


i AlSo LoVe DrEaMmArE-


yOu InSpIrEd Me On OnE oF mY bOoKs-