The first chapter of Hermione Le Fey is up. It is a 7 part story. It is nearly completed also, so be prepared for quick updates. ****It is not my normal story genre**** this is dark. Not a happy place. Not a HEA.  Not Mature and not romantic per se. I hope you all enjoy. This is really one of my favorites.


          I just wanted to say that u are one of my favorite authors and that I love your writing so much
          Ik I don't normally vote, but that's cause I'm way too invested in the plot and the story to think about it
          So just know that I love you


The first chapter of Hermione Le Fey is up. It is a 7 part story. It is nearly completed also, so be prepared for quick updates. ****It is not my normal story genre**** this is dark. Not a happy place. Not a HEA.  Not Mature and not romantic per se. I hope you all enjoy. This is really one of my favorites.


So I spent the last week at San Diego Comic-con. I spent the time bouncing between the kid's fandoms and HP. Only panels I went to were HP. 
          Now I need to know if anyone lives near Indianapolis? I want to go to the Wizards Unite meetup...
          Next stop though will be Universal Studios Hollywood. :) 


I am finally writing again! My computer is still acting up, stupid shift key isn't working properly. But today I got a chapter done! A full chapter. And another off to my amazing beta. The project I thought would be 3-5 chapters is already at chapter 3 and a finale.... so I probably am looking more at 7-10 chapters. Eh, more is better right? ;)


@IRiSEaGLeS. Is there going to be a sequal to Theories?


@IRiSEaGLeS ofc more is better! :)))