I'm being a "Covid police" with my friend and I kinda feel guilty.
If you wear a mask, that's fine, I just don't think it works against Covid unless it's an M95 mask because Covid is smaller than water droplets. If you get the shot(s), that's wonderful as it'll build your immunity. If not, that's okay as it's your body (ya just can't go anywhere and can't complain if you get Covid really bad and can't recover). But if you're sick? Haha, bish idc the excuse or what you think it is. You are getting your a** tested for Covid and other viruses, and gonna quarantine your butt until the results are back.
A bunch of ppl who went to this church camp got sick there, and yay they all have Covid. My friend is sick now, but refuses to go to Urgent Care or get tested saying she'll only go if she needs and bOI is it stressing me out--
I have so many issues with the church camp for not sending the kids home, even if their parents are half way across the US, not testing for Covid ahead of camp, not checking for symptoms daily, not having sick kids quarantine who couldn't go home, and not having stricter regulations. I'm also having issues with my friend not testing. YOU COULD INFECT OTHER PPL WHO COULD GET SERIOUSLY SICK FROM IT THE HE--
Istg idk how I can go back to work happily after this, when my break is over. Sorry babe, I love ya, but what you're doing is not okay :D